
Lazer Ryderz! The Totally Rad Tabletop Racing Game!

Created by GreaterThanGames

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Rad Racing Dice!
about 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 11:20:11 PM

Remember that update we mentioned coming soon?! Well, here it is! It may be a short one because we’re in Boston setting up for PAX, but we’re pretty excited about what we have to show you.

Factory production is speeding along on Lazer Ryderz. In fact, we just received samples of some totally tubular dice that we want to share with you! Check these out!

Check out these RAD racing dice!
Check out these RAD racing dice!

Each game will come with one of these glittery, custom printed dice with numbers 1-5 for your gears and a rad “Spin Out” design on the 6 side. Your characters will also have these pink sliders to track your gear on your “Light Speedometer” track.

Thanks for tuning in this month. We’ll have more exciting news for you next month!

The Sights and Sounds of Lazer Ryderz
about 7 years ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 11:26:54 PM

Hey, everyone. It's February! And since the first Tuesday of the month falls on the latest day it possibly could in the shortest month of the year, that means you'll get the quickest turnaround between this update and the next that you possibly could! So expect another update soon. :-)

We've got some super exciting stuff for you this month. Something for both your ears and your eyes.

First of all, the hardest working composer in the board game biz has some new stuff for you. He's been working overtime on the soundtrack and wanted to share some samples with you.

 First up, Phantom Cosmonaut!

 Next, Apostate!

 We also have something you'll really enjoy seeing. This is a handmade mockup from the factory of how the packaging will look! It's so exciting!

 Now, of course, this isn't final or anything. But seriously, how amazing is that going to look on a shelf?

We also have a little, fairly minor change we wanted to tell you about. Originally, we'd planned on doing spot foil on the pieces, but after a few samples and chats with the factory, it's just not turning out how we wanted it. So what we're doing is switching to a full foil finish on the pieces that'll really make them look totally radical. It's a little difficult to get a photo of what we're talking about here, but we tried.

 Hopefully that gives you an idea, at least. This is far from final, as well. We have some changes to make in order to assure it's all easily readable and table friendly, but it's definitely going to look great.

Enjoy the rest of your month, everyone! We'll be back to chat with you again soon!

Files are in pre-press
over 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 10:36:02 PM

Hey, everyone!

A totally radical New Year!

All the files are at the factory right now undergoing the pre-press process. This basically means they're being evaluated and modified to go into mass production. If it sounds like things are already pretty far along, you're not wrong! We're super excited to get this game fully produced and on people's tables, so we're not wasting any time.

We hope you all have had a great start to the new year. Enjoy it!

BackerKit invites are coming!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 03:18:17 PM

Hey there, Ryderz!

The BackerKit is ready for Lazer Ryderz, and you'll be getting an email to the address associated with your Kickstarter account very soon with an invitation to fill out your survey there.

If you're unfamiliar with BackerKit, it is a pledge management service that we use to organize and handle Kickstarter projects after they've ended. We'll be using your responses to the surveys on BackerKit to fulfill your orders when the products are available. BackerKit has many advantages, such as easily being able to modify your address and pledges at any point before we lock it down. If you want to add on extra items or change your address, all you need to do is go to your BackerKit and update it right then and there.

We will not be sending a survey through Kickstarter, so be sure to fill this out in a timely manner to be sure you get your game in a similarly timely manner.

The invitation emails go out in waves, rather than all at once, so give it a little time if you don't get yours right away. If you don't have your BackerKit invitation by next Monday (and you've checked your spam folder as well as confirming what email address is on your Kickstarter account), send us an email to [email protected] to let us know!

Thank you, everyone!

First month down! Playmat images!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 05:16:17 PM

Hey, everyone!

It's the first Tuesday of the month, and, if you have backed any other Kickstarter projects from us, you'll know that we make it our practice to do an update this time every month.

Things are already well in motion on this project. We're finalizing a lot of the art and box contents. The factory is getting us samples of what it can do for us. This project is, overall, going about as smoothly as we could ever ask for.

We have some final playmat art for you, as well! Take a look at this and how, shall we say, evocative it is!

 That's what we have for you this month! Everything is on track for our original estimated delivery. Stay tuned for more updates as they come along!